Cantina Ramuscello, a 60-year-long story

The dream


The dream

Cantina Produttori Ramuscello e San Vito, a WINE COOPERATIVE, was established in 1959 thanks to the initiative of 21 dynamic and passionate winemakers. Later on, it proved to be a real opportunity for the area’s small winemakers. Members began to increase steadily and the first harvest took place in 1962.
The first harvest


The first harvest

In 1962, with a great sharing mood, the first harvest took place and the first bottles of wine were produced.
Over 150 members


Over 150 members

At the beginning of the ‘70s, the Cooperative counted more than 150 members with a significant increase in the vineyards. Over the years, the storage capacity for products has increased so much that it now covers over 1300 square meters.



A process of technological renovation began at the beginning of the ‘90s with the aim of making the winery more sustainable and gaining higher quality standards.
The Social Mark


The Social Mark

On the occasion of the 50th harvest, the Winery replaced its social mark with a new, modern and effective graphic design: the essential shape of a Curved Line! What best represents our reality: the memory of an ancient branch of the Tagliamento river, the shoot and the outline of a glass, used to taste good wine in company.
Shared values


Shared values

Thanks to the expertise of our specialists, we still produce wines with a unique taste, which represent a source of pride for the 150 members who are part of the Cantina Produttori Ramuscello e San Vito S.C.A.

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