Our news

News and events at the Winery

Sesto al Reghena

Sesto al Reghena


Find out more about the visit to Cantina Ramuscello by the new Municipal Administration led by Mayor Zaida Franceschetti.

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“Vita nei campi: Vino Terre”

“Vita nei campi: Vino Terre”


Cantina Ramuscello guest on the RAI-FVG radio program “Vita nei campi” with its “Vino Terre” project.

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Three Gold Medals

Three Gold Medals


Cantina di Ramuscello and San Vito celebrated the awarding of three gold medals at the 22nd International Wine Competition “Città del Vino” in Rome, featuring their distinguished Friulano, Refosco, and Merlot wines.

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Unique Experience

Unique Experience


Learn more about the exclusive “Vinum Terrae” tasting! A unique experience shared with journalists, oenologists, and authorities at the Cantina Ramuscello venue.

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National Wine Exhibition

National Wine Exhibition


Learn more about Cantina Ramuscello’s participation in the 63rd Wine Competition 2024 held in Pamaggiore!

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Minimum Residual

Minimum Residual


Learn more about the “Minimum Residue” certification obtained by Cantina Ramuscello. An outstanding achievement for the Members, the environment and the consumer!

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Vinum Terrae preview

Vinum Terrae preview


Learn more about the first tasting of “Vinum Terrae”, a Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC Friuli Venezia Giulia 2022.

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Cycling for diabetes

Cycling for diabetes


Learn more about the awareness initiative organized by the Regional Diabetic Coordination with the participation of Cantina di Ramuscello.

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Spring frost

Spring frost


During the night between April 20th and 21st, the sharp drop in spring temperatures damaged young shoots in vineyards.

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Water sustainability

Water sustainability


Learn more about the water purification project presented during the 56th Wine Festival in Casarsa and conference organized by Pro Casarsa.

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Vinum Terrae: a unique wine in the world

Vinum Terrae: a unique wine in the world


On World Earth Day, we revealed the 2022 bottles of Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC Friuli Venezia Giulia.

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Wine in Verona

Wine in Verona


See pictures of the 4 days spent at the fair, which saw the Wine World meet in Verona!

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Technical tests of reliability

Technical tests of reliability


Learn how cutting-edge technology allows us to reduce environmental impact in the vineyard.

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The Awakening

The Awakening


Vine shoots take shape under the warm rays of spring sunshine.

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Vinum Terrae 2023

Vinum Terrae 2023


In a few days we will bring to light the bottles of Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso 2022 buried between the rows of the mother vineyard.

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Training continues

Training continues


The rainy winter and warm weather in February anticipate the awakening of the vine. It is now time for a technical meeting for Ramuscello Winery members.

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We’re almost ready

We’re almost ready


A year full of new projects lies ahead for our Cooperative, which has always been active in strengthening the territory’s sustainable quality.

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Masterclass in Ramuscello

Masterclass in Ramuscello


Learn more about the Masterclass held at Cantina Ramuscello. An in-depth study of the wine sector followed by a tasting of wines and products from the Friuli area.

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Verona Fieragricola 2024

Verona Fieragricola 2024


President Gianluca Trevisan and Members of the Ramuscello Winery, visited the 116th edition of the Fieragricola in Verona.

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Viticulture in the classroom

Viticulture in the classroom


Ramuscello Winery members attended an interesting class to gain new theoretical updates in viticulture and agronomy.

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Wine in 2024

Wine in 2024


​Telefriuli interviews the President of Cantina Produttori di Ramuscello e San Vito to examine wine sales trends.

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Winter in the vineyards

Winter in the vineyards


Winter, the season dedicated to the preparation of the vineyards for the next production season with the utmost respect for the land and sustainability.

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Washing site

Washing site


​The first in Friuli Venezia Giulia Ramuscello Winery has created a Washing Site for the Members’ sprayers.

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Gianluca Trevisan re-elected as President

Gianluca Trevisan re-elected as President


​Members of the Ramuscello Winery, approved the 2023/23 Budget and reconfirmed Gianluca Trevisan at the head of the winery.

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Telethon Udine 2023

Telethon Udine 2023


The Ramuscello Winery participates in the 2023 edition of Telethon Udine alongside the Regional Coordination of Diabetic Associations of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

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Economy and Development 2023 Award Ceremony

Economy and Development 2023 Award Ceremony


Cantina Ramuscello received a prestigious Diploma of Merit with Gold Medal awarded to President Gianluca Trevisan.

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ISO 9001-2015 Certification

ISO 9001-2015 Certification


Cantina di Ramuscello achieved an ambitious goal in the production process management by receiving the ISO 9001-2015 Certificate.

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Cooperative Sustainability Competition

Cooperative Sustainability Competition


The Ramuscello Winery received the award as part of the United Nation 2030 Agenda.

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The father of Pimpa

The father of Pimpa


A day at the Ramuscello Winery saw the encounter between Maestro Francesco Tullio Altan and young students from the Liceo Artistico Galvani High School in Cordenons and the Scuola Mosaicisti in Friuli (Mosaic School). Find out more!

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The Confraternity of Vine and Wine

The Confraternity of Vine and Wine


The Confraternity of Vine and Wine organizes annual Conferences of the highest scientific value in Sesto al Reghena. Find out more!

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The harvest is now over and like every year the vines are getting ready for a long rest. Find out now!

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Culinary collaboration

Culinary collaboration


The Ramuscello Winery has been collaborating with “Salumificio Pantarotto”. Find out more!

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FVG Olive Oil Consortium

FVG Olive Oil Consortium


The Ramuscello Winery will proudly promote this exceptional Extra Virgin Olive Oil through its retail stores. Find out more!

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Ramuscello Winery partners with the 59th Cycling Tour

Ramuscello Winery partners with the 59th Cycling Tour


The last stage of the 59th Friuli Venezia Giulia Under 23 Cycling Tour, started from Sesto al Reghena. Find out more!

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The Harvest Begins

The Harvest Begins


Check out RAI’s in-depth report within the TGR regional news program, dedicated to the 2023 Harvest.

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Vinum Terrae arrives in China

Vinum Terrae arrives in China


Ramuscello Winery makes its way to China with the “Vinum Terrae” project. Find out more!

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Reflections of Color

Reflections of Color


Check out pictures and video of the successful event “Reflections of Color”.

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Gold Medal at the 21st International Wine Competition

Gold Medal at the 21st International Wine Competition


For the XXI International Wine Competition Città del Vino, the coveted awards have been presented in the prestigious Sala della Protomoteca at Capitol Hill.

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Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival

Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival


Check out the two-day “Ribolla Gialla Wine Festival”!

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Vine shoots

Vine shoots


The strong wine vocation of the Ramuscello area is also seen in the beautiful cultivations of vine shoots.

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The Debutante Ball

The Debutante Ball


Learn more about Cantina Ramuscello’s participation in the well-known “Debutante Ball” in Turin.

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Vinum Terrae

Vinum Terrae


On World Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, 555 bottles of Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso were buried. Find out more about our initiative!

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Vinitaly 2023

Vinitaly 2023


The 55th edition of Vinitaly marked the “Restart” of the Italian Wine Industry.

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With the first warmth of spring, vine Sprouts develop, and later, when they become Shoots, they will deliver the long-awaited fruit.

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Discover how nature is awakening from its long hibernation!

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I am Friuli Venezia Giulia

I am Friuli Venezia Giulia


Learn more about the additional achievement, which confirms the important work of our Members!

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Vegan Wine: a corporate style

Vegan Wine: a corporate style


Today, producing Vegan Wine is a choice that rewards the consumer and identifies the company’s style. Find out more!

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Holiday season at the Winery

Holiday season at the Winery


Discover our wonderful gift ideas at our Stores in Ramuscello and Paluzza!

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Cantina Ramuscello and University of Udine

Cantina Ramuscello and University of Udine


 Discover more about the presentation of an important study conducted by the University of Udine in collaboration with Cantina Ramuscello.

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Garbellotto, the Art of Cooperage since 1775

Garbellotto, the Art of Cooperage since 1775


President Gianluca Trevisan visited Garbellotto Company in Conegliano Veneto, coopers since 1775. Learn more!

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National Congress “Città del Vino”

National Congress “Città del Vino”


Learn more about the National Delegates’ visit for the traditional “Città del Vino” (Wine Cities) Congress!

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Duchy of Friulian Wines

Duchy of Friulian Wines


For the 50th year of the founding of the Duchy of Friulian Wines, the association named President Gianluca Trevisan as “Noble of Friulian Wines”. Find out more!

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The ReFosco dal Peduncolo Rosso

The ReFosco dal Peduncolo Rosso


This hot summer’s last rays of sunshine warm the magnificent bunches of Refosco.

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Tradition and Innovation

Tradition and Innovation


At our Ramuscello Winery, tradition and innovation have always played an important role. Learn how!

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The Prosecco

The Prosecco


Beautiful golden bunches magically color our vineyards under a warm September sun.

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Pier Paolo Pasolini and Ninetto Davoli

Pier Paolo Pasolini and Ninetto Davoli


For the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s birth, the great director’s favorite actor Ninetto Davoli visited the “Casone di Pasolini”. Read more!

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The new harvest

The new harvest


The Pinot Grigio is the most cultivated wine grape variety in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and is also the first to be harvested. Learn more!

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Ramuscello Città del Vino

Ramuscello Città del Vino


Full adherence to an important national association was sanctioned with the installation of the “Città del Vino” sign at the entrance to the towns of Ramuscello and Sesto al Reghena, projecting the entire territory on new culinary and tourist circuits.

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60 years of commitment to the Territory

60 years of commitment to the Territory


Since 1962, the Cantina Produttori di Ramuscello and San Vito has been producing wine from the grapes grown in the fertile lands, which, for millennia, have been crossed by the Tagliamento river.

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1962 - 2022

1962 - 2022


We celebrated with an extraordinary “Round Table”, 60 years of activity of the Ramuscello and San Vito Winery. Learn more about the event!

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A rich land

A rich land


Cantina Ramuscello attended the 3rd edition of the “Salotto dell’Asparago”. Read more!

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Filari di Bolle 2022

Filari di Bolle 2022


During “Filare di Bolle” our Prosecco DOC Brut obtained the highest position in the category of best regional sparkling wines.

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The rebirth

The rebirth


Vinitaly, which has just ended in Verona, is one of the world’s most relevant wine events, and the Cantina di Ramuscello was present with its stand. Learn more!

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Spring Fair 2022

Spring Fair 2022


Cantina di Ramuscello and La Bottega del Vino di Paluzza attended the last edition of the Spring Fair held in Klagenfurt.

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Planting a vineyard

Planting a vineyard


March is when the planting of baby vines, called “Barbatelle” in Italian, begins. Read more!

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60 years

60 years


Back in 1962, farseeing winemakers founded the Cantina di Ramuscello and became its “Founding Members”. Read more!

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The frost

The frost


In this period, our members are committed to pruning the vineyards while the morning frost gently covers the vines. A mystical territory along the banks of the Tagliamento river.

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Italian Wine Towns

Italian Wine Towns


The Municipality of Sesto al Reghena, together with the nearby hamlet of Ramuscello, has earned the title of “Wine Town”. Find out more!

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End of the Year Considerations

End of the Year Considerations


In the traditional end-of-year greetings, President Gianluca Trevisan brought together the young members of Cantina Ramuscello to remind them how the constant qualitative growth results from commitment and today, more than ever, it firmly depends on them.

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Vegan Wines

Vegan Wines


Discover the new selection of Vegan Wines created by Cantina Ramuscello!

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Christmas Holidays

Christmas Holidays


Christmas is around the corner and in our Stores you will find original Gift Ideas and Wonderful Baskets. Learn more now!

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The Warrior’s rest

The Warrior’s rest


During the winter season, Technical Meetings involving all the Ramuscello Winery Members are essential. Find out why!

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Quality and Courtesy right by your home

Quality and Courtesy right by your home


Find courtesy and professionalism at our stores in Ramuscello, Paluzza, and Portogruaro. Learn more!

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A coveted award: “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Welfare” was delivered to the Cantina Produttori Ramuscello. Learn more!

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Solidarity harvest

Solidarity harvest


Even this year, the members of the Futura Social Cooperative (San Vito al Tagliamento) actively contributed to the harvest of ripe Ribolla Gialla grapes.

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In the moonlight

In the moonlight


At the Cantina di Ramuscello, the grape harvest always begins before the moon glimpses over the horizon.

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Erwin Maier 2021 Memorial

Erwin Maier 2021 Memorial


For the 21st Erwin Maier Memorial, the Aldo Moro Paluzza Sports Association chose the wines of Cantina Ramuscello.

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The magic of grape harvest

The magic of grape harvest


The harvest is a magical moment, and for centuries, it has infused joy among those who live this particular time of the year.

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An important visit to the Ramuscello Winery

An important visit to the Ramuscello Winery


In recent days, the Councilor for Agriculture of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, Stefano Zannier, visited the Ramuscello Winery.

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The Wine Shop

The Wine Shop


The Ramuscello winery has arrived in Carnia, more precisely in Paluzza, inaugurating the first store outside the company. Learn more!

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The magic of the Cjarsons

The magic of the Cjarsons


In Carnia, and more precisely in Sutrio (on the slopes of Mount Zoncolan), the traditional “Festa dei Cjarsons” (typical local dish) was held. Learn more! 

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June 21 “Summer solstice”

June 21 “Summer solstice”


The “Magic” brought by this day has no equal. The sun, which is at its highest point on the horizon, lovingly kisses the vineyards of our Members. Have a wonderful Summer.

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Giro d’Italia 2021 - 14th stage Monte Zoncolan

Giro d’Italia 2021 - 14th stage Monte Zoncolan


Cantina Ramuscello, in collaboration with Casa all’Antica Fontana, presented its wines to the many cycling enthusiasts who arrived in Sutrio.

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Gold Medal

Gold Medal


The Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso 2019, obtained the prestigious Gold Medal at the 75th National Wine Fair held Pramaggiore.

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Bees in the Vineyard

Bees in the Vineyard


The “Bees in the Vineyard” are the tangible sign of sustainable and environmentally friendly viticulture. All this was recognized to us in 2020 with the S.Q.N.P.I. - Sustainable Quality. This is a significant result that rewards the constant work of our members in the countryside.

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Easter traditions

Easter traditions


Don’t miss our artisanal Easter cakes and Prosecco Brut during the upcoming holidays.

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March 8th

March 8th


March 8th is a special day to celebrate all women.

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Ribolla Gialla

Ribolla Gialla


Ribolla Gialla, an extraordinary wine now available also in the handy Bag in Box packaging.

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Surprise your Valentine with taste!

Surprise your Valentine with taste!


Visit our Store and discover the fantastic gift ideas that will make Valentine’s Day with your partner even sweeter and shimmering.

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Extraordinary offer dedicated to Italian Flavors

Extraordinary offer dedicated to Italian Flavors


A special recipe, selected by Katia, will guide you step by step in the kitchen.

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Cantina Ramuscello goes live on TG3 regional news program

Cantina Ramuscello goes live on TG3 regional news program


​On January 20th, 2021, we had the pleasure to welcome RAI journalists to our winery to address the issue of the revolution in the wine trade.

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Point Of Sale Cantina Ramuscello Opening Hours 2021

Point Of Sale Cantina Ramuscello Opening Hours 2021


Discover our opening hours! We look forward to receiving you and let you taste our wines as well as many other local products.

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The great success of our new packaging!

The great success of our new packaging!


Our new packaging is enjoying a great deal of success. Each box “preserves” and enhances the bottles of our Ramuscello Collection.

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Cantina Ramuscello at Vinitaly 2019

Cantina Ramuscello at Vinitaly 2019


Vinitaly returns with the eagerly-awaited annual appointment and will welcome Cantina Ramuscello for the first time during the 53rd edition of the world’s largest international exhibition dedicated to wines and spirits.

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Cantina Ramuscello will be attending Vivite 2018!

Cantina Ramuscello will be attending Vivite 2018!


Vivite is the long-awaited appointment with wine in Milan. For the second year, Cantina Ramuscello will be joining many other Italian wine cooperatives in two unmissable days: November 17th and 18th.

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It’s time to prune

It’s time to prune


Pruning is one of the steps that can greatly affect the quality and quantity of picked grapes and their transformation.

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Friuleconomy Video Interview

Friuleconomy Video Interview


Watch Cantina Ramuscello’s President being interviewed on February 28th, 2018.

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